For those of you who have any
history of involvement in planning in Tasmania, you’ll remember the days when
the PLUC came up with the RPDC, PT, state planning policies and the whole suite
and box and dice of planning schemes.
Today, mired in the lack of state planning policies, multiple planning
schemes and a building and approvals system that the Property Council’s members
and others baulk at, seemingly at every turn, reform is once more under
way. Simpler, faster, cheaper......
you’ve picked up the rhetoric by now.
Unfortunately, once more, like
the amalgamation debate, we’re going to get it wrong. Once again, people have headed to the detail
without thinking through the foundation of all our ills in Tasmania.
Must I go over history again
(we just do keep forgetting, don’t we) and point out how we’ve developed a
system of government and governance that fails the test of a clear division of
roles and responsibilities between State and Local Government?
If you follow the principle
that difference grows when people are isolated, then it’s easy to understand
how Tasmania’s system of government and governance has developed.
Today Tasmania and its many
small towns and hamlets are no longer isolated.
Neither do people live and die in the same bark hut they were born in.
The model of local government
imposed from the now defunct British Empire is no longer relevant for
Tasmania’s aspirations of a place in global society. It may have been in the early to mid 19th
century, but hey! Time to innovate.
Neither is this model capable of moving quickly enough to accommodate
change. The same can be said for the
current planning system. And the futures
of the two are intertwined in any governance debate.
Can I make some assumptions
here? That Tasmanians by and large would
agree that a sustainable happy community where a people-focused economy
respects and values both natural and built assets is a good place to be? That renewal is welcomed with open debate is
a given? That local competitive
advantages are worth leveraging to ensure a population has sound, if not
excellent levels of education, social services, and business acumen? That the economy and society share levels of
resilience to enable surfing with edge and some degree of safety the global
markets and waves of technology change?
Are these assumptions of what Tasmanians would like too wild? Do they make an ass out of you and me? I’ll be positive and say this is where I’m
working towards, please feel free to join in at any time.
Now if you follow the principle
that values shared is a community created, then the revamping of the Tasmanian planning
system is an opportunity to re-imagine Tasmanian governance.
For too long the State has been
be-devilled by multiplicity and central neglect as a consequence of financial
deficits (and I’m talking from colonial days on, here). Yes, brought about by historical
circumstances but does it have to continue?
Tasmania was only settled to stop the Napoleonic French – dumping the
convicts and growing sheep was an afterthought.
The Colonial Chest was stretched by ambitions of Empire and once Buonaparte
was safely installed on St Helena, the lid dropped shut and VDL Governors were
told to be more financially self-sufficient.
What followed since has been a
litany of economic woes, of overseas loans, of unfunded depreciation of state
assets and too-free spending of windfall GST gains. And in all that time, Tasmania’s response to
the population’s demands for services and infrastructure has been to devolve
responsibility locally.
Cost-shifting has created, even
with the 1993 amalgamations, 31 sets of governance rules for Tasmania (29
Councils, one State, one Federal government).
And within those 31 sets are multiple, beyond belief multiple, boards
and statutory authorities and interpretations of what set of rules and
regulations mean what. And at the local
government level we see the creation of three regional bodies based on
geography and not a commonality of purpose that creates and implements real
innovative change.
Seriously. This can’t go on. In any management structure, multiple layers
of hierarchy in an organisation create seriously siloing and continual
In planning alone, there are 29
planning authorities with 29 local interpretations and no cohesive overall
State planning (other than attempts to get a Statewide Planning Scheme that risks
as much fragmentation in application as with the present system). Our current planning system lack consistency
on development, heritage, agricultural land, business and professional
services, residential areas, industry, tourism, parking, disability, CBD
provisions...must I go on? With only a
15% commonality between planning schemes, this is totally unsustainable.
And this is where it really
hurts us all. Twenty nine Councils acting
as three regions means inevitably 29 different ways of pushing economic,
social, environmental and developmental policies. I have to ask the State government (as it
downsizes the newly created State Growth Department) on the matter of a single
statewide development policy, just what
are you thinking?
So here’s the thing. If you’re serious about getting governance
sorted in Tasmania, start to have some policy balls and think about the table
below with some sketch ideas. The outcome is a cohesive
approach across Tasmania of policy development, interpretation, application and
And you know what, if this
happened, why, we might then start to dismantle the local government empire
that evolved like topsy since the 1820s, and start to have a mature
conversation about what local communities and cities really want.
Imagine, a space to have the
conversation about reform. It's not mergers
as we know them, that will make a difference for Tasmania’s governance and
government. It's the State and local government sitting down to sort out a new
way of working and better shared responsibilities.
we had a State Government that resolved planning into a Statewide Authority,
why not also whole of State economic development, waste, roads, stormwater,
bridges authorities - it was done for water and sewerage. Get rid of the
multiple boards and get a streamline structure in place. Policy and leadership from the top.
what will local government be left to do?
and feedback consultation between top and bottom.
local (business internodes, festivals, tourism, local streetscape programs,
bushcare, etc.)
local (elderly, young, disabled, LGBTI, multicultural programs, etc.)
local (parks, gardens, recreation facilities, etc.)
yes, keep the local elected people, but seriously, define their roles and
functions in the Local Government Act more succinctly.
least then we won’t have 29 miniature State governments pulling this State
apart in 29 different directions after every local government election. And who knows, then the Feds might find they
can’t divide and conquer this island’s people so easily either!
Policy setting, scheme
development, review and amendment
Implementation and
consultation with local communities to feed back into policy setting and
Scheme amendments
of functions
Single Planning Authority,
with associated Tribunal functions for appeals.
Building and plumbing
approvals, local streetscape/landscape reviews as needed. Councils no longer acting as planning authorities. Compliance and consultation role only. Planning consultancy to deal with
exceptions or by delegation to ensure compliance.
Particular issues as examples:
Environment: Statewide
policies with planning linked to EPA and enforcement processes
Heritage: Planning
authority, subsumes Tasmanian Heritage Council functions for policy
consistency, Minister with call in powers as safeguard.
Planning authority with policies aligned to Statewide economic agricultural
Environment: local
councils responsible for monitoring and enforcement of health and safety
Heritage: Listings
and rates raised for local maintenance of heritage (aligned to heritage and
tourism policies)
manages the interface between local communities and rural areas
Authorised by Alderman Eva
Ruzicka, Town Hall, Hobart.
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