the entry of overt politics into Hobart City Council
was, local government was a community service, something the patriarchs did to
keep the local community well organised and trouble-makers in line. Look
at the origins of the word "aldermen":
n. Old
English aldormonn (Mercian), ealdormann (West Saxon) "ruler, prince,
chief; chief officer of a shire," from aldor, ealder "patriarch"
(comparative of ald "old;" see old ) + monn, mann "man" (see man (n.)). A relic of the days when the elders were
automatically in charge of the clan or tribe, but already in Old English used
for king's viceroys, regardless of age. The word yielded in Old English to
eorl, and after the Norman Conquest to count (n.). Meaning "headman of a guild" (early 12c.)
passed to "magistrate of a city" (c.1200) as the guilds became
identified with municipal government.
(with thanks to
No women
present in that definition, and it took a long time for women to actually get
the vote. We got it in Tasmania by accident - some women began to own
property around the turn of the century and therefore came under the definition
of householder in the old local government acts - but it still took a while for
women to get elected, let alone to positions of Deputy or Mayor.
had the same problems, and if it wasn't for some very determined community
urban activists in the 1980s, and a shift away from the "Town Clerk"
of the day managing elections to the Tasmanian Electoral Commission, not
everyone would get a vote. Today we're all on the Electoral Role for all
tiers of government, once we register.
elected to Council for people such as me was the result of some very hard work
by a lot of community activists. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, Tasmania
was changing away from a somewhat still-colonialist class-based society into
something a tad more egalitarian, albeit money still privileging policy.
Those of you who marched for Lake Pedder, the Franklin and Farmhouse Creek and
supported alternative politics at the State and Federal level will
younger readers seem to think it's the norm for everyone to have a vote, for
women to choose careers and education, for anyone to run for political
office. Democracy is a hard-fought for right and it always needs
defending from the more laisser-faires.
wasn't that long ago that local government in Tasmania was dominated by what the
post-modernists would call "dead white males", (and that description
in no way detracts from their achievements, they were just the dominant group)
and to have the Chamber of Commerce vote with membership of either the
Athenaeum or Tasmanian Club was to ensure election.
government in Tasmania was dominated by a set of conventions and values of the
kind that K.R. von Stiegliz eulogised in his A History of Local Government
in Tasmania (Telegraph Printery: 1958, p. 241):
councillors are proud of the fact that they are not paid for their services,
being able to look on it as an honour to serve their country in that way. Some
of them refused to accept travelling allowances, even when they have been
put to great expense in covering long distances. Wardens also and other
Justices of the Peace give whole days of their time to work on the Bench with
no form of emolument, and with the likelihood of becoming extremely unpopular
among the local citizens who have appeared before them and suffered for their
feeling between local councils and the government is almost invariably very
friendly and co-operative. Political matters are not discussed at the council
table and it may truly be said that there is no political bias whatever in
Council affairs. If such an attempt were made, the councillor who introduced
the subject would be promptly silenced.
In the
time I've been involved with local government there has been a critical shift
in attitudes. Once elected to Hobart, I spoke strongly against the State
Government's attitudes on local government reform. Various of the older Aldermen castigated
me at the Council table for speaking out about the behaviour of the
then-Premier, Jim Bacon MHA, towards local government generally and Hobart
City Council in particular.
didn't take long after this for attitudes to change - I seem to remember the
tide changing to one of purple outrage as the Aldermen were called into
the Cabinet office one afternoon and told the Labor
Government was taking over the area governed by the Sullivan's
Cove Planning Scheme and out of the Hobart Aldermen's hands for a
period of some years. Apparently the press release had already gone
out, which demonstrated the low level of respect. (Labor's plan was to
get it developed a.k.a. Melbourne Docklands, but the lack of leadership at the
State level once Jim Bacon was gone ensured it spent around $7M fiddling
around with competitions, expensive experts and the only noteable changes being
to the Signs Schedule, in my memory. When we finally got it back, little
had been achieved and a lot of opportunity was lost as Australia headed back
into recession.)
emergence of the Greens Party into local government was the next high tide that
eroded the old values of never discussing politics. Greens Party
Aldermen benefitted from Greens in the State Parliament and they have since
made full use of local government as the launch pad to State
Parliament and beyond. (That is not to say other local government
members haven't done the same, it's just that they have rarely done so in
the past by identifying with a political group - the current crop are now
less cryptic in their political allegiances. The actions of LGAT
president Mayor Barry Easther in the recent Rosevears Upper House election is a
fine example of partisanship.)
there are three Greens on Hobart City Council, although the change to all
in-all out this election will test the level of political support in the
community. As an election is imminent, I'm not allowed to use the names
of other Candidates without their permission so, on this point, I'll speak
into the noughties, Hobart City Council aldermen were three-quarters somewhere
from centre to right in politics with around three to four independent
community association-based Aldermen. The apogee was the period of
election of Alderman Rob Valentine to Lord Mayor and the re-election of Aldermen
Pru Bonham, and then myself after her resignation from Council, to the Deputy
Lord Mayor position.
assume however that voting blocs exist – it’s a finer grain issue as on some
matters, there are surprising alliances that disappear on the next vote – it’s
one of the beauties of local government, that good argument and merit often win
over assumed politics.)
In that
time, the Greens finally decided that local government was an area worth
getting into (when they were Green Independents, there was significant
resistance to the idea at the early meetings) and by the tweenies were firmly
established around the table with two to three Greens Party Aldermen.
paraphrase that marvellous political writer and Editor at Large for The
Australian, Paul Kelly, at a recent Press Club luncheon address, when
asked if the Greens were going the way of the Australian Democrats, he said,
no, greens philosophy had entered the global consciousness, and climate change
and other issues would guarantee them a place in Australian politics. As
always, Paul Kelly's analysis is spot-on - we've seen all sorts of deals being
brokered to get the minority Green vote with some very unusual voting patterns
at the Federal level.
It seems
that those more right of centre at the local government level have realised
this also in the last two years.
ornament to plain English understanding of electoral systems, Dr Kevin Bonham,
has summed this up neatly in his recent blog on voting patterns around the
table at Hobart City Council. See: Hobart City Council Voting Patterns 2011-2014
delight of someone such as Kevin is that he provides a sound evidential basis
for what has been my gut feeling and observations of Aldermanic
behaviours. Certainly, from where I've been watching around the Council
table, there seems to be a large degree of positioning over voting to ensure
preference flows. Scroll down Kevin's article and note the changes in the
two graphs.
Kevin doesn't comment on is the changes in relationships between various
of the Aldermen, simply because he hasn't been sitting round watching meetings
- he's been off doing really good things in his other speciality,
biodiversity. But, for my sins, I have. And I won't be at all
surprised between now and the end of October to see a number of
manifestations in the media and statements around the Council table as candidates differentiate themselves from the sitting Lord
Mayor and/or are trying to get Green preference flows in the race
for the Lord Mayor's hat and Deputy's gold medallion.
Myself? I'm an independent, always have been at Hobart City Council and always will be. And it's pleasing to see that Kevin's analysis bears that out.
of Aldermen to Hobart City Council reflects the wishes of those who vote,
and our Hare-Clark system ensures a fine-grain result. From
real independents to Greens to closet/ex-ALP and Liberal Party
members to fringe party aspirants - Hobart City Council has it all.
Von Stieglitz and his contemporaries would feel very much out of place today.
Authorised by Eva Ruzicka, 10 Congress Street, South Hobart
Authorised by Eva Ruzicka, 10 Congress Street, South Hobart
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