6 October, 2014
Well, dear folks, here it
finally is: Stage One of the Battery Point walkway, or should I say, segregated
pedestrian and cyclists access way. Yep,
it gets you from Marieville Esplanade around to the Battery Point Slipyards
that exit onto Napoleon Street in Battery Point. Where?
Well, you’ll soon find out.
Not, as has been trumpeted, into the City. That’s Stages Two and Three. Stage Two gets you around the heritage issues
of the slipyards and back down to the water.
Stage Three finally completes the voyage around to the CSIRO carpark.
The Planning bits
Advertised with a development
value of $5 million, this is only Stage One that helps the cyclists avoid the
somewhat steep incline of Napoleon Street in return for a less steep incline up
from the water to the Napoleon Street exit.
For the full set of documents,
go to http://www.hobartcity.com.au/Council/Council_Meetings/Development_and_Environmental_Services_Committee
and click on the 6 October report and supporting information. Have a quiet afternoon set aside to give all
the paperwork a thorough read and then go back over the initial report once you’ve
read the consultants’ comments.
And believe me, I kept my mind
open the whole way when I was reading all these documents, but by the time I
had read the whole report and all the attached consultancies and comments and
representations, and asked questions at the Committee (6 October, 2014), my
planning decision was starting to coalesce.
And of course, if there is new
information between now and the Council meeting, I will of course keep an open
mind and take it into account. That’s
what being an Aldermen is all about when we’re acting as a planning authority
at Council.
(Yet the whole process at Committee today did raise a side question
that is getting more and more relevant as governments step in to build
infrastructure – should local government be the judge, jury and implementer of
a project that it will develop up, build and ratepayers pay for? And if a person has already publicly declared
their support for a project, should they then sit in on any final decision-making
– are they perceived as having an interest in the outcome? This is an issue that is bedevilling a number
of Councils today.
And we had the unusual event of an Alderman refusing to sit on the
matter and make a decision because the local newspaper had stated the decision
had been made by the committee even before it had sat and refused to correct
this mistake when it was asked to by said Alderman. The local paper finally admitted the error but then said the committee approved it anyway. Perhaps journalists in Hobart are now also mindreaders? :-)
This is a development
application that invokes discretions
under the Battery Point Planning Scheme.
It is not a permitted use (if
it was, the whole deal would be done and dusted). That means it invokes discretions – a planning term that means Aldermen have to exercise
their judgement in how they interpret the latitude of a discretion. Discretion means being flexible to allow for
the wide variety of differences in land and development, within certain
What sort of “discretions” in this case?
State Coastal Policy – the issue here is mainly to do with
sediment transport. I have no issues
here as the Sandy Bay Rivulet flows may well be improved.
Accretions from the sea – generates a discretion as to whether such
a use should be permitted. This then
allows for all sorts of issues to be raised as to whether such an accretion
should be approved.
Use for Access-way – tenor of the scheme is the key point – and
a matter of interpretation.
Heritage – signed off by the Tasmanian Heritage
Commission subject to conditions and advice, and this of course adds to the
cost of meeting the project, as well as finding a satisfactory solution for all
Setback from high water mark – Should be 15 metres.
And it is on these discretions
I must make a considered planning decision at Council next week.
The Saga As It Has Unfolded
I’ve deliberately been very
quiet on this project and the development applications. I’ve not made any public comments one way or
the other as other Aldermen have partly because of the Judicial Review Act and the requirement to keep an open mind on planning
matters. People have asked me what I
thought along the way, and I’ve pointed out some of the issues in
conversations, yet it is the final development application I’ve been waiting
Partly also because at one
stage it was going to be some sort of “scramble track” around the foreshore which
the moderately fit could attempt (or even those of us whose joints now require
us to use a walking stick to steady the gait).
I didn’t have an issue with that providing the security and amenity of
the residents was cared for, and we didn’t stuff up any remaining marine
habitat in levelling out the rocky bits.
The project fell foul of legal
proceedings over land titles, all of which eventually ended up with access
between the high and low tide being cleared, at quite some cost I might add to
the ratepayer, but is now not part of the project.
And then the project started to
morph into some sort of constructed foreshore walkway that had all sorts of
issues with residential privacy and amenity and heritage and that consumed a
few dollars in consultancies in trying to find a way around the planning
And then the cyclists wanted to
avoid using Napoleon Street, and it morphed again into today’s concrete access
way out in the water. At which point the
Derwent Estuary Program and marine scientists in general brought to light a few
more problems, such as the impact on the marine environment over which the
walkway was projected to travel, and of course, the impact over its lifetime of
storm surges and climate change impacts.
(With thanks to Bloom County,
conserving Spotted Handfish habitat or cycling to work along the access way to
IMAS/CSIRO – choose your moral dilemma!)
So at that point, it was
decided that if the WHOLE development application for the access way was
lodged, it would be likely to fail and become an expensive turkey. And then the bright idea came up to cut the
project into three stages, on the basis that the most awkward bits from a
planning point of view to sort out would be left to the final stage.
So it’s been difficult to know just
what was really being talked about until the final development application was
put on public display. You may recall my
recent response to a certain proponent about development on Mt Wellington. It was with some frustration I publicly said
at Council, “put up or shut up”, because in that case, there was no (and
remains no) concrete development application on which to base a proper planning
opinion and people kept trying to make me make a decision based on some smoke
and mirrors. At least after today’s
Committee meeting, I can talk, and ponder, with some certainty. (I say some,
as my comments on the conditions and advice below will indicate.) Hence, dear reader, this is my response to
Stage One to date.
So what does the documentation tell you?
And I have to say, this development
application is full of contradictions – if it were on the foreshore, it would
be prohibited under the Battery Point Planning Scheme but as the
majority of it is at sea, it is then discretionary,
as in, not permitted, but we’ll interpret
the relevant bits of the Planning Scheme
to see if it can fit. More so as the proposed access way
does not fit within any of the prescribed use definitions of the Scheme.
Putting it in the water in the
way it is proposed, it would be unusable for ten percent of its projected 30-40
year lifetime on current storm surges, and effectively unusable by the end of
its life based on highly conservative predictions of sea level rise.
So the response is to construct
it to withstand storm surges of non-translucent materials, all of which runs
counter to best practice in coastal construction advice in that constructions
such as this should be translucent to allow sunlight to get to the sea floor,
to support the marine environment that is only now starting to recover and
flourish after we stopped the most egregious waste disposal practices since
colonial times.
Oh, and such egregious waste
disposal behaviour now includes both the likelihood of archaeological remains
on the foreshore from previous ship building and other human activities, as
well as waste contamination that may be disturbed by the construction in marine
sediments. Hence the advice from the
Tasmanian Heritage Council and conditions on environment and engineering.
There is a lot of discussion as
to cyclist and pedestrian safety at the Marieville Esplanade entrance. The development is touted to improve the
safety of cyclists who do not have access to safe cycling infrastructure on
Sandy Bay road at this time.
It is worth noting that once
back on land at the Battery Point Slipyards and on Napoleon Street, the pedestrians
and cyclists will still have to negotiate the Battery Point street network
until Stages 2 and 3 are built. Ever
walked around Battery Point, much less cycled?
Narrow streets, poor sightlines, poor surfaces for both pedestrians and
in places one way traffic flows and subject to high levels of on-street parking
seven days a week is the most kind description I could give it. Yet when I raised this concern at the
Development and Environment Services Committee, it had not been thought of in
the final conditions in bridging the time between Stage One and final
completion at Stage Three. I wonder if
anyone had read what the traffic consultant had written: “I note that there was a cycling related minor injury crash at Marine
Terrace, Battery point where it appears a cyclist travelling the wrong way
along Marine Terrace collided with a car travelling in the other direction.
Anecdotal information is that this ‘wrong way’ travel by cyclists occurs now.
The proposal would possibly increase this problem. Ways of improving the
problem should be investigated.” An appropriate
“advice” was then hurriedly added to the development application. My suggestion that there was a duty of care
here under LUPAA to provide a safe environment for visitors and residents (and
disgorging the said cyclists and pedestrians into the maze of Battery Point’s
street network is hardly friendly) was nonetheless challenged by a committee
Now it will be argued that Stage
3 will overcome problems of cyclists working out how to get around Battery
Point however Stage 3 will likely more directly impact on the sea bed,
including Spotted Handfish breeding areas and significant sea grass beds – which
puts State 3 in real doubt.
The consultants state that: literature and field observations indicate
seagrass beds vary in size, health and location both spatially and temporally,
thus the area covered by seagrass beds during the survey period are likely to
have altered in the period since the survey was conducted.
So at Stage One, the
construction will likely have to check for seagrass beds and, the bit I love in
the reports, if they find any Spotted Handfish in the location, escort them off
the premises to deeper waters. Yet the
point here is, that seagrass not only provides a breeding location for the
Spotted Handfish, it also supports other marine biota. And the solid construction design will
prevent sunlight from getting to the marine bed, thus decreasing
biodiversity. At least the sea dragons
can roost on the concrete piles. Think
of them as apartment blocks.
And the point has been well made
that if Stages 2 and 3 will solve problems of full access for cyclists, then we
should be considering the whole application, not in parts, to overcome all the
issues, rather than dragging it all out over Lord knows how many years and
legal battles from disaffected residents.
And what happens for cyclists
during storm conditions anyway? Sandy
Bay Road, the option that is being avoided.
The point is made in the report
that access to the waterway for small boat craft, let alone larger craft,
should not be impeded. The report states
that there are limited design solutions presented in the application, and is
only conditioned. How these conditions
will be met is not clear, and even the heritage consultant noted there was
inadequate provision in the development application. Further, the gradients for the ramps up to
the jetty and down again are 1:8 to 1: 10, which does not meet a Disability
Standards where 1:14 may be a better design.
And no, you can’t tow your boat beside the jetty, throw the rope over
the 5 metre access way and hope you keep control of the boat and avoid a hazard
for passing cyclists.
The proposed access way design
segregates cyclists and pedestrians. The
consultant’s opinion is that this effectively results in a less safe design for
pedestrians. To quote:
If cost is not important at all, then the proposed width and
segregation facility may be satisfactory.
The extra cost of a widened structure should though be compared to what
the additional benefits would be compared with the alternative shared facility.
The additional benefit of a segregated facility is possibly higher
bicycle speeds and arguably lesser conflict with pedestrians. On the question
of speeds, the Intercity Cycleway has cycling speeds of around 30km/h (85th
percentile speed) for similar volumes as will be experienced on the proposal. As
far as I am aware there are not major conflict issues on the Intercity
cycleway. The benefit of a shared facility like the InterCity Cycleway
is a subtle one. Pedestrians have absolute right of way on a shared facility,
unlike the segregated facility where a pedestrian must not use the cyclist’s
space. I prefer the shared facility model as one where cyclists have a duty to
take care and give way to a more vulnerable road user – the pedestrian.
$5 million was the advertised
value of the development application; however the final costs will lie in the
additional conditions. For example, the
further and better traffic and parking drawings that will be required, the
mitigation of heritage impacts at the slipyards and maritime use, the cost and
implementation of a management access plan for the present day and future
stormy conditions, State Coastal and environmental planning impact mitigation, and
the engineering compliance with Council and Australian Standards requirements. There are 17 Advice clauses as well, all
adding to the cost of Stage One.
Brief summary of Conditions and Advice
Conditions – type and issue
1, 2
Use and development
Use and development, Taswater standard
3, 4, 5
THC Notice, watercraft access, heritage
values of slipyard
Spotted Handfish management and measures
Marine bed and species impact
9, 10
Public Safety Risk
Storm surge management plan
12, 13
Engineering, Plumbing
Works approval drawings
Parking, access and turning areas
Costs or alterations borne by Council
Council’s construction management plan
Engineering risk
Design of walkway, ramps, lighting
Building consent requirements
ADVICE – not all – read the
4. The archaeological requirements as
detailed in the Tasmanian Heritage Council’s Condition 1 include the areas a)
within the slipyard itself; and b) within the areas included in the THR entry
for the Battery Point Shipping Activity Places (Part 1) (including intertidal
and underwater areas) must be implemented.
6. The site may possess conservation values
which are of national environmental significance (Spotted Handfish and
significant habitat). The proposed
development includes activities that may adversely impact on these values,
and therefore may be subject to the Commonwealth Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It is therefore recommended that the
applicant refer the proposal to the Commonwealth Environment Minister for
determination as to whether the development requires approval under the
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. For more
information on how to make a referral visit Environment Australia’s Website
at www.environment.gov.au/epbc/index.html
8. It is recommended that the final
accessway design minimises shading of the river bed to reduce impacts upon
seagrass and to encourage seagrass recruitment.
25. The Marieville Esplanade access/egress
area of the accessway should:
i. be designed by a suitably qualified and
experienced traffic engineer;
ii. show how the interactions between
cyclists, pedestrians, park users and motorists will be safely managed; and
iii. take into account pedestrian and
cyclist traffic over the current Sandy Bay Rivulet bridge.
And there was this to consider from a consultant report: The lifespan of the structure is assumed to
be between 30 and 40 years which is typical for such structures in coastal
regions..... Letting me diverge for a moment, and taking this comment into
account, and the initial costing that is at this time to my knowledge unfunded
with neither the State or the Federal governments willing to pony up, should we
not be getting the desired outcomes right to start with?
(Or should we really say, five million dollars will pay for extending
the Sandy Bay Road cycleway through to Macquarie Street with some really good safety
designs and political guts in telling people to park their commuter cars
elsewhere so as to free up the choke points.
Ah no, and heaven forfend when we have to budget for the costs of Stage
Two and Stage Three. Perhaps we’ll have
a new Federal Government by then with differing budget priorities.)
And reading on, on planning
matters, there is the issue of climate change impacts on storm surges. Read the report – it’s very good in analysing
the impacts. Whilst it is difficult to be precise, it is expected that the incident
wave will overtop the proposed infrastructure deck level approximately 10% of
the time at the present day. And
that explains why we’re getting such an expensive and solid concrete
construction that blocks the sunlight to the seabed, because, as the Council
Officers said, a lighter construction won’t withstand the strain. What it does also tell me is that over the
next 30 to 40 years, the gradual increase in storm surges will make using this
access way problematic. I wonder how the
management plan will block access – will we have a Council officer stationed at
each access point during storm surges, much like we currently have at Pillinger
Drive on Mt Wellington when black ice makes the Mountain road unusable?
So what happens at the end of
thirty to forty years, dear ratepayer?
Why, you’ll likely have to pay for its removal or replacement (or we
could topple it over and use it for an undersea breakwater and diving reef,
perhaps or even a marina mooring – now, there’s an idea!?)
Now, all in all, this is the
bare bones of my thinking, and is by no means a selective take on the
reports. These were the bits that stood
out from the greater mass, and all of it was taken into the grey cells for
cogitation. So what conclusion have I
arrived at the time of blogging this?
The argument is constantly put of
the greater good as to future use, as people walking, people cycling, is a
better health outcome, that there will be linkages between the University and
the City, that visitors will have an added attraction. However, in attempting to get the people
walking around the foreshore or a safer cycling route, another set of issues have
presented themselves. Remember that cartoon
of the swing?
If, after reading all the
reports and the words “environmentally sensitive and pragmatic” cause you to
break out in a rash, you are not alone.
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