Most folks are aware that State
and Federal Parliaments have a degree of immunity conferred on elected
members. It’s called parliamentary
privilege. As long as you are in a session
of parliament, on the parliament floor, you can say what you like, without fear
or favour.
Sometimes it is used wisely to
rip open the sores of corruption and bad government. Other times, it is used so badly as to deny
natural justice to the common man, such that if the elected person’s
allegations were repeated outside Parliament, they’d be slapped with a
defamation writ so hard and fast, they’d be reeling over backwards.
There are also standards of
parliamentary behaviour that have to be adhered to. And we’ve all seen the saga of Peter Slipper
and those cabcharge vouchers.
So what happens at the local
government level?
There is no parliamentary
privilege at all. What you say has to be
tempered, measured, factual, respectful and correct. There’s a place for opinion, but you need to
be careful in not what you say, but in how you say it in order to ensure
fairness and equity.
And a recent innovation in
Tasmania’s local government is the Code of Conduct.
For the full Hobart City Council’s
Code of Conduct, go to:
And click on the Aldermanic
Code of Conduct to download as a .pdf
I’ve listed the Standards at
the end of this post for quick reference.
There have been a couple of
issues with Codes of Conduct. Firstly,
if you’re found to have contravened it, there is no penalty. And if an Alderman refuses to let the matter
be dealt with by the Code of Conduct Panel, and the Mayor or Deputy has a
conflict in hearing the matter, then a complaint goes nowhere.
And if you have a malicious way
with words, you can set up a series of Code of Conduct complaints that
effectively bullies and intimidates other Aldermen. I know as I’ve seen this done to various of
Hobart’s Aldermen. And the problem is
that even if a complaint is vexatious and/or frivolous, it has to be
heard. In one case the Panel finally
told a complainant to not lodge such particular complaints for a period of 12
So our glorious State
Government has finally got around to drafting legislation to amend such
And here’s the thing. Have they got it right?
On the count of setting up an
independent Panel of a lawyer and a person with experience in local government
to hear all complaints across local government against breaches of the Code of
Conduct, I give them full points.
Such measure relieves Mayors
and Deputies of hearing complaints and gets rid of the conflict they may have
in such matters. It ensures there is
proper legal advice and that that legal advice will now be a consistent
application across Tasmanian local government.
On the count of there finally
being sanctions able to be applied, this too is a good idea, as currently an
elected person can breach the Code and ignore any sanctions imposed by a Code
of Conduct Panel. The Panel lacks
enforcement powers. So if an Aldermen is
found guilty and told to go off and get counselling for say, ethics or anger
management, this can be ignored. The
verdict is entered on the Council Minutes, but who really reads these? I’ve yet to see Tasmania’s journalists pick
up on any local government Code of Conduct outcomes, let alone bring to public
account any defaulting elected member.
On the count of three strikes
against the Code of Conduct in a 4 year term and you lose office, well, there
are some problems here.
Three minor breaches? Three major breaches? A mix of major and minor?
Let me illustrate the
problem. If you are a newly elected
member, it is automatically assumed that you have knowledge of the legislation,
regulations, codes and guidelines that apply to local government practice. Now seriously, it’s a steep learning curve,
and I defy anyone to know and understand even broadly all this entails within
the first six to twelve months of being elected.
(I was lucky, I did, and only because
I was mentored by already elected people for quite some years prior to finally
getting onto Hobart City Council. I was
an exception. And I still get things
wrong because local government is a messy, complex business.)
Since then around the table at
Council we’ve all seen newly elected people falling over their legal feet on
numerous occasions. And the goodwill in
the past has been help them along, to get them productive in the job.
But if you were of the
malicious mind or your politics precluded toleration of other viewpoints, you
could easily target the newly elected person who breaches the Code in a minor
matter. For example, inadvertently forgets
to enter a minor gift onto the Gift Register, makes a comment that is
disrespectful of another elected member’s viewpoint, trips up in interpreting
the conflict of interest provisions, and bingo, under the changes to the
legislation now being proposed, three complaints and the electorate is faced
with a by-election.
Now it is easy to do as a new
chum, to get things wrong. And the right
thing to do is not repeat the mistake.
This is where the Code of Conduct Panel could apply sufficient training/counselling,
and if the elected member makes the same mistake again, and fails to understand
the issue, then that is the time to say, That’s
The First One.
And I believe we can go harder
on sanctions for blatant breaches.
If you blatantly breach the
Code, and I mean, blatantly found to be breaching various Standards, then a one
month suspension from local government and or a fine up to 50 penalty units
(current valued at $5,000) is hardly enough.
I’d argue for stronger sanction powers.
Here’s a scenario to consider:
A local government candidate is
member of a business group proposing a block of flats or a supermarket proposal,
and stands to make a personal motza should the planning approval go
through. He/she has campaigned for it
before the election and said they’d support it no matter what. The business group funds an office for you to
work from both during and after the election.
Once elected, the now Councillor continues to make denigrating public
comments verbally in Council meetings and in written form on Facebook against
anyone who opposes the development, including some pretty personal remarks
about the professional qualifications of Council’s planning officers. During the community consultation period, you
flatly refuse to entertain any ideas for changes and you let your business
group use the Council photocopier to print out sufficient leaflets to plaster
the surrounding neighbourhood’s dunnies three times over. When it comes to Council, any information
that is contrary to the application is disregarded, and you stay in the room to
vote for such a proposal to go ahead. And
when Council has to decide in the Closed Agenda any leasing requirements, you
quietly let your mates know the state of the valuations so they can negotiate a
better deal.
Apart from some obvious
breaches of other bits of legislation, this sort of scenario just about knocks
the current Code of Conduct out the door with a likely blatant breach of seven
out of nine of the Standards.
A bit over the top? More likely in New South Wales?
Well think about these scenarios:
- You’re a member of a political party that champions free speech and transparency. Once elected you decide to deliberately and consistently leak to the press discussions by Council over planning matters, finances and generally controversial matters, despite being counselled and cautioned against such behaviour. One day a staff matter arises when the General Manager reports on bullying and the legal and staff outcomes. You leak the whole matter to the press because it would make a good story and then it is found out it was you who did it.
- You’re a member of a sporting organisation who needs funding. You get elected to Council and then proceed to stay in the room when funding proposals are discussed. Prior to any Council decisions, you are seen wining and dining various other elected members in the corporate box of your sporting organisation, and ensuring that their faces figure prominently in any publicity material. When a major funding proposal comes up, you still stay in the room and proceed to publically campaign for Council to approve funding.
- The Council gives the elected people a petrol card to cover travel in the course of their duties as Aldermen. You use it to fill up both you and your mate’s 4WD to go on a holiday out in the bush. You use the card to fill up the tank of the van you use for your own business.
- You’re a member of a small but vocal group opposed to Coming Out Proud programs run by the local Council. Once elected, you consistently make public statements that are outside the boundaries of fairness, courtesy and respect, and when asked to stop, refuse and repeat the behaviours a number of times.
Here are the Standards: you be
the judge.
of Conduct
#1 – Principles and Values: You are expected to familiarise
yourself with, and comply with both the letter and spirit of the Hobart City
Council’s principles and values.
#2 – No Bias in Decision-making: You must ensure that you bring
an impartial and unprejudiced mind to all matters being decided upon by you in
the course of your Council duties.
#3 – Conflict of Interest: You are responsible to ensure that,
when carrying out your public duty, you are not wrongfully influenced by other
external interests you have or duties you owe. You must therefore, in all such
dealings, put the interests of the community to which the Council is
accountable foremost.
#4 – Proper use of Office: You must not improperly use your
position to gain an advantage or confer a disadvantage for yourself or anyone
else. You must not conduct yourself in a manner which could bring the Council
or the position of Alderman of the Council into disrepute.
#5 – Proper use of Resources: You are expected to ensure that
neither you nor others associated with you wrongfully benefit at the expense of
the Council and its people, and thus are required to use Council property and
resources strictly for the purposes of performing your role.
#6 – Proper use of Information (& Confidentiality): You
must not disclose, without consent, confidential information or other
information which you have acquired as a result of your office at the Council
and you must actively protect all confidential and other information of the
Council which comes in to your possession or knowledge.
#7 – Giving and Receiving of Gifts or Benefits: Consistent
with Standards #3 and #4, you are expected not to personally and unjustly
benefit from, nor be unduly influenced (or be perceived to be unduly
influenced) in making decisions as part of your role with the Council as a
result of financial inducements, gifts or entertainment or other benefits.
#8 – Relationships with community and others: You
are expected to treat your fellow Aldermen, members of the community and
employees of the Council, with courtesy, fairness, dignity and respect in all
dealings with them.
#9 – Representation of Hobart City Council: You
must ensure that when representing the Council you only do so within the ambit
of your authority and you must ensure that there is no confusion as to when you
are voicing your own opinion and the Council’s policy or decisions.
Authorised by Eva Ruzicka, 10 Congress Street, South Hobart
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